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Monday, November 25, 2024

2024-11-23 Sydney, Australia

Set: Garden, Why Go, Brain Of J., In Hiding, Even Flow, Tremor Christ, React, Respond, Dark Matter, Small Town, Wreckage, Save You, Dissident, Given To Fly, Hunger Strike, Immortality, Rearviewmirror 

Encore: No Surrender, Spin The Black Circle, Better Man/Save It For Later, Something Special, Black/We Belong Together, Alone, Porch/TV Eye, Alive, Baba O’Riley, Yellow Ledbetter/Little Wing


Anonymous said...

Hunger Strike in M4A is going to be mind blowing.

Anonymous said...

M4a will always blow it blew then will blow tomorrow and will blow in the future

Pearljammer Portugal said...

Can, please, please, someone re-upload the show "2024-07-13 Lisbon, Portugal" in the in the respective topic? I also asked there. It´s important! Thank You!!

Anonymous said... my friend :)

Anonymous said... mp3 my friend

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much both of you!!!

Abel said... portugal 2024.07.13

Anonymous said...

M4A is the most pure sounding format. It takes the warmth and clarity of vinyl to a new level.

m4a man said...

cant wait to play this bad boy in m4a format

Anonymous said...

M4as should be banned on this site

Anonymous said...

M4a is the only way to listen, why can it. MP3 are archaic and FLAC is a placebo, M4A is pure clarity don’t let the file size fool you.

Anonymous said...

Isn't the m4a joke getting a bit old. Or it did like 4 years ago already. Move on.

Anonymous said...

Mp3 320 please!

Anonymous said...

As long as folks continue to feed those trolls...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Mp3 320 please please!

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Mp3 320!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Stop being lazy and just convert it from flac to mp3

Anonymous said...

Hi, Unable to download multiple songs, is it possible to re-upload this? Thank you!

Anonymous said...

withinthenoise said...

Made this video compilation from audio posted here, thanks again gang!

Anonymous said...

mp3 320 kbps

Junior Martins said...

someone could reupload again? thanks!

Anonymous said...

in the promo tab there is a post pearl jam freak, could you update it to download again, thank you

Anderson Charalli said...!Al7i-Pj2EozXhb8URLffUdwhHCewOA?e=PKFQF4

Anonymous said...

tks Anderson

Anonymous said...

Thank you! Please do post the 3rd part - looks great.