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Friday, September 22, 2023

2023-09-18 Austin, TX


Set: Nothingman, Small Town, Thumbing My Way, Foosteps, Present Tense, Who Ever Said / (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction, Save You, Corduroy, Quick Escape, Even Flow, Out Of My Mind, In My Tree, Animal, I Got Shit, Porch

Encore: Wishlist, Smile, Whipping, Do The Evolution, Spin The Black Circle, Alive, Baba O’ Riley


m4a man said...
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Anonymous said...

m4a only please

Anonymous said...

M4A 140kbps

Anonymous said...

Freezing, m4a sound is pleasing,
Flowing smooth, the quality never ceasing,
Every note in tune, it's a digital dream,
M4a's clarity, like a pristine stream

Anonymous said...

Nothing's quite as gay,
As an M4a.
The sound does truly suck.
Anyone who likes can go fuck.

Anonymous said...

Even the poems about M4A are better, it’s unbeatable

Anonymous said...

Callate la boca, si no te gusta vete de aqui y ya.... no queremos niñitas llorando

Anonymous said...

Well said, the guy crying about M4As being posted is a little bitch

Anonymous said...

Any of you who have the Chicago boot 09/07/23, I need it, I couldn't download it on time, please upload it again. thank you

Anonymous said...

Yeah, add that Fort Worth 1 FLAC too. That was back when that douchebag was complaining about maarten and no one ever posted it. Thanks in advance. Be Blessed! Fort Worth 1. FLAC. Blessed. Bring this board right back to life and they will have to suck it! Blessed. FLAC. Fort Worth 1. Blessed. Pearl Jam . Spread that jam! Blessed. Maarten. Blessed. FLAC. Fort Worth 1. Blessed.

Anonymous said...

Fuck off…thanks

Anonymous said...

I see the little bitch is back, miserable twat

deharo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
deharo said...
Chicago 09/07/23...enjoy

Anonymous said...

Fuck off…thanks

Anonymous said...

The guy above slobbers his dogs anus

Costanza said...

In case anyone missed the Flac of Fort Worth Night 2:
Thanks to the original uploader. Spreading the jam.

Costanza said...

If someone has Flac N1 Fort Worth to post that would be really nice. If not, no worries, Enjoy.

Alfredo Nuñez said...

Gracias por el Boot, master

deharo said...

De nada...disfrutalo

Anonymous said...

That Ft Worth night one in FLAC would he great, just like Costanza said. Let's put the naysayers out on their butts! Blessed!

Anonymous said...

I’ll see if Maarten can convert his M4As to FLAC, that should do the trick. Also, to the pussy who keeps telling everyone to fuck off, this is a joke you fucking homophobic prick. Go fuck yourself off this site you little bitch.

Anonymous said...

Fuck off, douchebag

Maarten said...

I was planning on buying 1 or 2 bootlegs this tour. If we can wait a few hours I can buy the Flac, create 320kbs mp3's and get everyone happy...almost everyone.

I'm home in about 3 to 4 hours. If it's already shared before that, I will buy the next one!

Anonymous said...

Great! But please share also the Flac TIA

Anonymous said...

Yes, Maarten. If you be so kind please upload FLAC also. Thanks in advance.

Maarten said...

I will buy the Flac HD from the website. I'm working with iTunes at home so I have to make the downgrade to 320 mp3's anyway. Am happy to help with the Flac's over here.

evman said...

Thanks for all the people that post audio here

Belerofon said...

Maarten, you buy HD flac and then down convert it? Tell my why, no hard feelings just tell me why? I can't understandt why in 2023 someone buy flac HD and converting to 320 Kbps and same time don't share FLac HD files. Sure, in 2000 or earlier was normal down convert flac to 120,160 or 320 Kbps, but now?. Just share 320Kbps and Flac or Flac HD. For me is huuuge diference on my DAC between mp3, Flac, Flac HD. Cheers mate.

Maarten said...

No worries. Happy to explain. I'm not a big audiophile. I've been downloading here for years now. This is a way for me to give back some. That, and I have a code from the Ten Club.

I use iTunes for my phone which, if i'm right, can't handle flacs. I have a tool to convert to 320kbps MP3's.

In short, I'm happy and the people here are happy (except that one guy).

Belerofon said...


I see, in your case is probably better use ALAC over flac.Respect for you give back, but why you don't post flac HD or flac, ALAC also? If you have it, share it :-))

Maarten said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maarten said...


Too late ;-). At least some people are happy with this 3 I think. Thanks for the ALAC Advice. Will try!

Anonymous said...

THANKS Maarten

Anonymous said...


looks like doesn't work

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Maarten!!

Anonymous said...

Maarten Here. Will upload the flac in 2 separate wetransfer files later tonight. Sorry for inconvenience.

Costanza said...

Thank you, Maarten for your your kind posts and your generosity.

The link you listed says "FILES NOT FOUND" Can you please re-up?

Flac HD: (Password is PearlJam)

Thank you so much!

Maarten said...

new message, new Flac links. Everybody, except that one guy happy I guess.

Flac hd disc 1:
Flac hd disc 2:
320 mp3:
320 m4a:

Links are valid for 7 days!

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much, Maarten!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the sharing

Anonymous said...

Thanks Marteen, you`re the best!!!!

Belerofon said...

Thank you so much for HD Flac man, thank you!

Costanza said...

Thank you so much Maarten! This is my first FLAC HD of this tour and for much of the last one.
What a wonderful surprise. Much appreciated.

Anonymous said...

thank You

Anonymous said...

Thank you Master

Anonymous said...

Fort worth n2 in mp3 320? Please

Anonymous said...

Maarten, you've redeemed yourself :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Maarten, any files uploaded are really appreciated! Sorry you have to deal with constant abuse from that one douche on here.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the mp3's.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the MP3 320 Kbps

Anonymous said...

Fuck off, thanks

Anonymous said...

Thank you. All the work is appreciated.

harrylasalles said...

Thank you Maarten, I generally go for the MP3s but occasionally download flac.
If I don't want to download something I certainaly wouldn't abuse someone who uploaded what I didn't want.

Like I said previously - people are dying overseas.
Perspective is important.

Once again thanks

Anonymous said...

What the f*ck is up with Mr F*ckin' Perspective here? "PEOPLE ARE DYING OVERSEAS"??? You keep saying it! What the F*CK is that supposed to mean? Look around you self-righteous prick - people are dying right here in this country....every f*cking hour of every f*cking day! What's your f*cking fascination with "overseas"???? Lives here don't count??? YOU NEED MENTAL HELP!

insert_this said...

Thanks for the FLAC-HD Maaten

Anonymous said...

"..What the f*ck is up with Mr F*ckin' Perspective here? "PEOPLE ARE DYING OVERSEAS"??? You keep saying it! What the F*CK is that supposed to mean? Look around you self-righteous prick - people are dying right here in this country....every f*cking hour of every f*cking day! What's your f*cking fascination with "overseas"???? Lives here don't count??? YOU NEED MENTAL HELP!.." The human who wrote this, obviously needs, not some, but a lot help. Hope you evolve.

Costanza said...

Thank you so much for the FLAC-HD. It's not just music, it's an audio experience. The vibrations are powerful to me. I'm truly grateful for the Austin shows in particular! My brother-in-law went to both shows. This is as close as I can get. Now we can talk about the show!

patrickwaldron said...

Thanks a million...

Paulo said...

Guys, can anyone upload it again? I lost for 1 day, sorry :(
Constanza, you are our saviour :)

Anonymous said...

Please anyone, could you please upload again?

Anonymous said...

Anyone pleaseeeeeeeeeeee

evman said...

Thanks so much for the bootlegs does anyone have the ohana festival shows from this year thanks

Anonymous said...

Ohana 2023

evman said...

Thanks very much

Anonymous said...

Please Maarten, upload again

Flac hd disc 1:
Flac hd disc 2:
320 mp3:
320 m4a:

My cat is crying

Anonymous said...

does anyone have a working link for flac hd files?

Anonymous said...

Flac: 2023-09-18 -Moody Center Austin, TX,+TX.rar/file

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much, Angel!!! You will achieve all your Dreams!

Anonymous said...

Flac's of this show: